Lesco New Connection Online

Apply for a New LESCO Connection Online

LESCO Bill Online also provides information to apply for a new power connection simply by introducing an online application in addition to the traditional paperwork. Homework can replace frequent trips to LESCO centers.

                                                                  LESCO Duplicate Bill          

Below are the simple step-by-step guidance for applying to a new electricity connection;

Step One of New Connection

First, you need to visit Electricity New Connection and fill in all the necessary fields. After that, you need to take the print of the form.

Step Two of New Connection

The following are a few tips that are helpful during online form completion;

First, you need to specify the connection type, like Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, Agriculture, etc.

  • Insert your National Tax Number
  • Add your Sales Tax Registration Number
  • Select your Electricity Supplier for a new connection in Lahore
  • Select related sub-division
  • Select Application Status.
  • Applicant’s name
  • Father’s name
  • CNIC number
  • Your Current address
  • Mobile numbers
  • Email
  • of meters already installed for your home
  • Minimum load
  • Premises/Neighbor Address
  • The neighbor bill’s reference number
  • Neighbor’s Full name and Full address
Step Three of New Connection

Now, you need to upload the following scanned documents and take a printout of your application form.

  • Attested property documents
  • The Applicant must swear on official stamp paper that they have no outstanding obligations and that there is no preexisting electricity meter. If LESCO discovers anything questionable during the installation process, it might put a halt to it.
  • A NOC from your landlord is necessary if you are a renter.
  • Copy of the applicant’s attested CNIC
  • Two witnesses’ attested copies of their CNIC
  • A duplicate of the neighbor’s power bill
Step Four of New Connection

Include all of the above with your application and send it to the LESCO area officer in your area.

Step Five of New Connection

After the LESCO Office finishes its investigation, it will issue a demand notice. So, you can pay at any bank.

Step Six of New Connection

Send a receipt to the LESCO office with a demand notice. So, they can issue a new meter for your new connection.

What is LESCO MIS?

The goal of Management Information Systems (MIS) is to enhance human well-being through the application of computerized processes. Whether it’s an investment in people or machinery, MIS helps professionals get the most out of it.

Management Information Systems aims to help people by utilizing cutting-edge technology.

You can now access LESCO MIS directly from your computer by going to the portal and logging in with your account and password. Indeed, that is all that is required to access their MIS.

Making Better Business with Lesco MIS

MIS also supports business activities. It collects and analyzes data of an entire organization from upper to lower management. 

The best-selling vehicles at a car lot may be recorded in a database, just as the best-selling items at an online store can also be recorded in the same way. In fact, most businesses nowadays prioritize coordinating MIS with corporate goals in order to gain a competitive edge.

Corporate information systems are what MIS specialists spend their days developing and installing, and they make LESCO Billing more effective and efficient.

They coordinate with other team members and function as a liaison between the company and its clients and customers to set up a streamlined system for information sharing.